Diplomatic conference for the adoption of a convention on cluster munitions ccm51 19 may 2008 original. Cluster munitions and antipersonnel mines act 2008. In 2018, cluster munitions were used in state not party syria. The 2008 convention on cluster munitions prohibits use, development, production, stockpiling, and transfer of cluster munitions, as defined. It opened for signature on 3 december 2008, and entered into force on 1 august 2010. The convention on cluster munitions was adopted by 107 countries on 30 may 2008 in dublin, ireland. The 2008 convention on cluster munitions was adopted by 107 states on 30 may 2008 at a specially convened diplomatic conference. Convention text the convention on cluster munitions. Postcombat, the impact of cluster munitions is limited in scope, scale and duration compared to other explosive remnants of war erw. The negotiators rejected proposals for broad exceptions from the ban and for a transition period during which cluster munitions could still be used.
It prohibits the use, production, transfer, and stockpiling of cluster munitions. It is in the news page here on wiki, today may the 29th. General assembly resolution 6371 of 2 december 2008 convention on cluster munitions. Convention on cluster munitions convention on cluster munitions determined also to ensure the full realisation of the rights of all cluster munition victims and recognising their inherent dignity, resolved to do their utmost in providing assistance to clus ter munition victims, including medical care, rehabilitation and. Convention on cluster munitions tke states parties to this convention, deeply concerned that civilian populations and individual civilians continue to bear the brunt of armed conflict, determined to put an end for all time to the suffering and casualties caused by cluster munitions at the time of their use, when they fail to function. Commonly, this is a cluster bomb that ejects explosive bomblets that are designed to kill personnel and destroy vehicles. The convention on cluster munitions use of cluster munitions and committed themselves to conclude by 2008 a legally binding instrument that would prohibit the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions that cause unacceptable harm to civilians, and would establish a framework for cooperation and assistance that ensures. The convention on cluster munitions prohibits all use, production, stockpiling, and transfer of cluster munitions. It is proposed that australia ratify the convention by depositing an instrument of ratification with the secretarygeneral of the united nations in accordance with article 16. Limiting conventional arms for humanitarian reasons. The convention on cluster munitions and the evolution of international humanitarian law bonnie docherty abstract the 2008 convention on cluster munitions comprehensively bans a weapon that causes civilian casualties both during and after attacks. The strength of the treaty is largely due to the prohibition on cluster munitions as an entire category of weapons.
The convention also sets legal precedent in three ways. The united states shares the concerns of many states regarding the unintended harm to civilians caused by the use of cluster munitions. Question taken at december 2, 2008 daily press briefing q. It also requires destruction of stockpiles, clearance of areas contaminated. Adoption of the convention on cluster munitions asil. Each state party undertakes never under any circumstances to. The convention bans the use, development, production, stockpiling and. The role of ngo activism in the implementation of the. Using the 2008 convention on cluster munitions as its principal frame of reference, the report covers global trends in ban policy and practice, contamination and clearance, cluster munition casualties, and efforts to guarantee the rights and meet the needs of cluster munition victims. Opening of the conference by the secretarygeneral 2. It is a landmark in the efforts to address the suffering that these weapons cause. Declaration of the oslo conference on cluster munitions, oslo, 2223 february 2007. In may 2008, more than 100 states adopted the convention on cluster munitions, which prohibits the use, development, production, stockpiling and transfer of such munitions. National interest analysis 2009 atnia 5 with attachment.
The convention on cluster munitions is a historic achievement. Convention on cluster munitions ccm15 described as frustrated with the ccw process, a number of ccw membersled by norway initiated negotiations in 2007 outside of the ccw to ban cluster munitions. Convention on cluster munitions the states parties to this convention, deeply concerned that civilian populations and individual civilians continue to bear the brunt of armed conflict, determined to put an end for all time to the suffering and casualties caused by cluster munitions at the time of their use, when they fail to function as intended or when they are abandoned. The 2008 convention on cluster munitions prohibits the use, production, transfer, and stockpiling of cluster munitions.
Cluster munitions have been a persistent problem for decades. Convention on cluster munitions e united nations office. This convention, done at dubl in on 30 m ay 2008, shall be open for signature at. The convention on cluster munitions was concluded by the dublin diplomatic conference on cluster munitions at dublin on 30 may 2008. Antipersonnel mine ban convention means the convention on. Treaties, states parties, and commentaries convention on. The convention on cluster munitions is a treaty created on 30 may 2008 in dublin, ireland. Its disarmament provisions comprehensively prohibit the use, production, transfer, and stockpiling of cluster munitions, as well as assistance with any of these banned activities, and require that stockpiled cluster munitions be destroyed within eight years. Boothby, weapons and the law of armed conflict, oxford university press, oxford, 2009. The convention on cluster munitions ccm prohibits all use, stockpiling, production and transfer of cluster munitions. Convention on cluster munitions opens for signature taken.
More than onequarter of the states parties to the convention on cluster munitions have adopted national implementation legislation, but much work remains to be done in this area. Eliminating landmines and cluster munitions through the. France signed the oslo convention on 3 december 2008 and ratified it on 25 september 2009. The role of ngo activism in the implementation of the convention on cluster munitions thomas nash thomas nash joined the international cluster munition coalition cmc in early 2004 and has served as coordinator throughout the successful global campaign to achieve an international treaty banning cluster bombs. Convention on cluster munitions, 30 may 2008 the states parties to this convention, deeply concernedthat civilian populations and individual civilians continue to. Cluster munitions coalition that have been central in bringing attention to the problem. Dublin 19 30 may 2008 convention on cluster munitions, ccm 77, 30 may 2008 excerpt article 1 general obligations and scope of application 1. Not only that, but none of the sources are from the future.
Munitions convention have issued ministerial or interpretive statements to the effect that investment in production of cluster munitions is prohibited by the convention. A cluster munition is a form of airdropped or groundlaunched explosive weapon that releases or ejects smaller submunitions. Laws prohibiting investments in controversial weapons. In a letter dated october 2008, ireland transmitted the final document of the diplomatic conference for the adoption of a convention on cluster munitions to the chairman of the first committee of the general assembly for circulation to the first. Exclusion list of companies involved in cluster munitions. Australia signed the convention on cluster munitions the convention at oslo on 3 december 2008. The convention on cluster munitions the ccm is the international treaty of more than 100 states that addresses the humanitarian consequences and unacceptable harm caused to civilians by cluster munitions, through a categorical prohibition and a framework for action. The convention is the result of the osloprocess, a diplomatic process that included states, civil society, the international committee of the red cross as well as the united nations. Convention on cluster munitions dublin, 30 may 2008 issuance of certified true copies the secretarygeneral of the united nations, acting in his capacity as depositary and with reference to depositary notification c. The ccm will be opened for signature on december 3, 2008 ccm, article 15. However, the major states that use the weapons, including the united states, have not joined the convention, and the use of cluster munitions continues.
On may 30, 2008, delegates at the dublin diplomatic conference on cluster munitions adopted the convention on cluster munitions ccm, a new treaty that seeks to ban the use, development, acquisition, stockpiling, retention, and transfer of cluster munitions. These weapons have killed or injured tens of thousands of civilians in waraffected countries. The oslo process launched at the conference on 2223 february 2007 later resulted in the adoption of the 2008 convention on cluster munitions ccma farreaching treaty imposing a complete ban. This note focuses in particular on the american approach to the weapons. Implementing the convention on cluster munitions human. Convention on cluster munitions, 30 may 2008 state parties 108 state signatories after decades of seeing civilians suffer with each new use of cluster munitions, and in the face of an inadequate response in other fora, norway launched the oslo process on cluster munitions in february 2007 by inviting governments supporting the. Treaties1 of 23 october 2008, announcing the opening for signature of the above convention, has the honour to. Convention on cluster munitions convention on cluster munitions stressing the role of public conscience in furthering the principles of humanity as evidenced by the global call for an end to civilian suffering caused by cluster munitions and recognising the efforts to that end undertaken by the united nations, the. Convention on cluster munitions human rights watch. Convention on cluster munitions where global solutions.
In 2017, cluster munitions were used in two states not party. Convention on cluster munitions, 30 may 2008 the states parties to this convention, deeply concernedthat civilian populations and individual civilians continue to bear the brunt of armed conflict. It was transposed into french law by the act of 20 july 2010. Convention on cluster munitions the issues monitor. Concerned that cluster munition remnants kill or m aim civilians, including w om en and children, obstruct econom ic and social developm ent, including through the loss of livelihood, impede postconflict rehabilitation and reconstruc tion, delay or prevent the. The convention on cluster munitions the adoption of the convention on cluster munitions is a recognition of cluster munitions terrible and unacceptable consequences for civilian populations. Other cluster munitions are designed to destroy runways or electric power transmission lines, disperse chemical or biological weapons. The convention on cluster munitions the ccm is the. Cluster munitions, cluster bombs human rights watch.
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